Create Postgresql database and allow remote access on Ubuntu

  1. Log in to the postgres server
    ssh me@pgserver
  2. Become postgres user.
    sudo su - postgres
  3. Create database
    createdb mynewdatabase
  4. Create new user
    createuser -P newuser
  5. Give the new user access over network
    Edit /etc/postgresql/11/main/pg_hba.conf file. (well, 11 depends on the version of postgres you are using.) The CIDR depends on your network.
host    all             newuser         md5
  1. Make sure the server is listening to remote
    Edit /etc/postgresql/11/main/postgresql.conf.
listen_address = '*'
  1. Restart postgresql
    sudo systemctl restart postgresql

So what just happened here. When you create a new user, Postgres doesn’t know the access right of the user. It kind of sucks that you need to edit pg_hba.conf file in order to just add a new remote user.

Now, try
psql -h pgserver -U newuser newdatabase